We went with a new photographer I found after researching on the internet last Fall and I just adore this woman. Not only is she so sweet and helpful, but she is WONDERFUL with children and she did an amazing job with my Noah and his pictures. Our session was about 2 1/2 hours long, plenty of time for snacks, play time and getting tons of great shots. Noah loved the studio, it was so open and spacious and he quickly got comfortable in the new surroundings. He walked around (a little wobbly in his new shoes) and played and just had a ball. He had 3 outfit changes, 4 or 5 different background changes, and he was a champ through it all. Overall, it was an absolutely perfect experience. If you know me, you KNOW how nervous I get about these things. Something always seems to go wrong and its hard wrangling a baby and a preschooler while making sure the best pictures get taken. DH was able to accompany us, and I Thank God for that as well. Of course he is always super helpful, great daddies usually are! :)
I think part of the reason I am so incredibly pleased with how everything went today, is because it was in such stark contrast to the kids photo session this past Decemeber. At the Picture Me studio in Walmart. (cue the scary music) Although I wish I could erase that horrific experience from my mind forever, it is a good and solid reminder why I will *NEVER* go back to a generic portrait studio again. That one time was ENOUGH for me. It is SO WORTH IT to hire a real and dedicated photographer, someone who loves their work and takes great pride in it. I fully support the beautiful art of photography, and I so greatly appreciate a photographer who loves their craft and utilizes their talents.
Today was great. I hope the rest of this week keeps up! We are still waiting on word for Joey's flight to Haiti. He is still on 2 hour recall and once that happens, he leaves less than 96 hours from that. At least, that's what we are being told! I know that he will do great things over there, and I am proud of him. We will miss him so much, but I really feel in my heart that he won't be there very long. I hope I am right, but God has planned it out as he sees fit and I trust in Him.
I hope everyone else has had a great Monday, usually they are pretty hectic and tiring. For now, I am in a state of bliss. :)
P.S. For anyone in the Columbus (Georgia) area who stumbles across this blog, the lovely photographer we met with today is named Shannon Whittington. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to have nice pictures taken, she is a true gem!
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